Coconut water is a drink that has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become popular in North America. Many people love it for its refreshing taste and hydrating properties. And of course, it’s delicious.

But who is the coconut water target market? And why do they love it? Is it just for the taste and health benefits or are there other reasons?

In this article, we will explore the coconut water target market and find out what drives their purchasing decisions.

Why Do People Love Coconut Water?

Coconut water is often called “nature’s sports drink” because it is so hydrating. It is also low in calories and fat, and high in electrolytes like potassium. Coconut water has a sweet, refreshing taste that many people enjoy.

Coconut water is a common drink in tropical countries, where it is often consumed fresh from the coconut. It is also becoming more popular in North America as a health drink and alternative to sugary sodas, juices, or even healthy drinks.

So what is the coconut water target market? Who are these people that are driving the popularity of this drink? Let’s find out.

Who Is the Coconut Water Target Market?

To understand the coconut water target market, we will analyze the reasons why people turn to healthy drinks like coconut water when there is no shortage of alternatives that are less healthy but could be more satisfying.

By classifying the market based on people’s need for healthy drinks, we get the following customer segments:

1.  People who are health-conscious

2.  People who want to lose weight or manage their weight

3.  Athletes or people who lead an active lifestyle

4.  Moms who want healthy food options for their families

5.  Kids and teens who are looking for healthy drinks that taste good

Let’s now look closely at each of these segments of the coconut water target market.

1. People Who are Health Conscious

The most obvious target market for coconut water is people who are already conscious of their health and/or are looking to improve their overall well-being.

This could include people who are trying to eat healthier, people who want to feel more energetic, or people who are looking to improve some aspect of their bodies – like their skin tone or digestion.

There are a number of reasons why people in this category might turn to coconut water or even other healthy drinks.

Some might be interested in the nutritional benefits that come from coconut water, while others might be looking for an alternative to sugary drinks.

Some others may be looking to boost their energy levels and may use coconut water as an ingredient to make their own healthy energy drink.

This customer segment is also a target market for health and wellness products in general and consuming healthy drinks like green tea can be a part of a broader healthy lifestyle that these individuals follow.

2. People Who Want to Lose Weight or Manage their Weight

A large portion of people who consume coconut water do so as part of a diet to lose weight or manage their weight.

This customer segment is interested in coconut water because it is low in calories and provides weight loss benefits. They might be looking for a meal replacement drink or a healthy alternative to sugary beverages.

Many people in this segment are also interested in using fitness products or going to a fitness center to lose weight, and they might use coconut water as a way to supplement their diet and exercise routine.

This is one of the reasons why it is becoming common to find coconut water drinks in vending machines in fitness centers, gyms, and even in some schools.

3. Athletes or people who lead an active lifestyle

Athletes or people who lead an active lifestyle need to be careful about their electrolyte balance and they often turn to coconut water.

They will also turn to it as a nutritional supplement and to avoid overeating during a meal.

People in this segment might also be interested in healthy energy drinks to help them perform better during their workouts or competitions or to recover from a workout or a race.

4. Moms Who Want Healthy Options for their Families

Many moms (parents, in general) are interested in healthy drinks for their families because they want to make sure that their kids are getting the nutrients they need. And coconut water is often a go-to drink for this reason.

They also look for healthy snacks because together with a healthy drink, children will often ask for a snack that also needs to be healthy.

They might also be interested in coconut water for themselves as a way to stay hydrated and have more energy.

Many companies that sell coconut water target this customer segment by advertising their products as a healthy option for kids and families.

5. Kids and Teens Who are Looking for Healthy Drinks That Taste Good

Even though kids and teens are not the primary target market for most coconut water companies, they are an important part of the target market for some companies.

Some companies make coconut water that is specifically designed to taste good to kids and teens in order to get them to consume healthy drinks.

As governments around the world, start to implement policies to get kids to consume more healthy drinks and drive awareness about the importance of a healthy diet, this customer segment is only going to grow.


The coconut water target market includes those looking to lead healthy lifestyles and improve their overall well-being.

People trying to lose weight through diet and exercise also tend to swap their sugary drinks for healthy alternatives like coconut water.

Athletes and active individuals who habitually turn to healthy drinks as an alternative way to stay hydrated and energized are also a coconut water target market. They will also choose drinks to compensate for the loss of nutrients.

And of course, parents who want healthy options for their families will look for healthy drinks like coconut water that also taste good.

Finally, a growing market includes kids and teens who make their own purchase decisions and who are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of healthy eating habits.