Fiji Water is a brand of bottled water from the Republic of Fiji. The water is sourced from the island of Viti Levu which is the largest island in Fiji.
The Fiji Water target market includes health-conscious and active people and the company does a great job of marketing its product to this demographic. But is this the only way to look at the Fiji Water target market? Or can we analyze it from other angles?
In this article, we will review the Fiji Water target market by understanding people’s needs and motivations for purchasing and drinking water that comes from so far.
Who is the Fiji Water Target Market?
As discussed in the introduction one of the best ways to analyze the Fiji Water target market is to understand the needs and motivations of consumers who purchase Fiji Water. Why do they buy Fiji Water? Why not another brand? Why do they buy bottled water in the first place?
By asking such questions and analyzing the responses we can divide the Fiji Water target market into the following consumer segments:
- People who like the taste of Fiji Water water
- People who prefer bottled water to tap water
- People with are ill or have compromised immune systems
- “Health conscious” consumers
- Athletes and people who dehydrate a lot
- Consumers who are “on the go”
- Water Stores and Convenience Stores
Let’s look closely at each of these segments of the Fiji Water target market.
#1. People who like the taste of Fiji Water
All bottled water products have a taste that is unique to them and Fiji Water is no different. This segment of the Fiji Water target market includes people who like its taste.
They often purchase it because they feel that it is refreshing and clean-tasting. Fiji Water does a great job of marketing to this segment.
People in this segment of the Fiji Water target market are also willing to pay a premium for the taste of Fiji Water. They view it as a worthwhile investment because they enjoy drinking it and feel that it is worth the extra cost.
#2. People who prefer bottled water to tap water
This group of people buys bottled water because they simply prefer the taste or quality of bottled water to that of tap water.
They may not be as concerned about the specific brand of bottled water they drink and may purchase Fiji Water simply because it is convenient or available.
However, this segment of the Fiji Water target market does tend to be loyal to one brand and will stick with Fiji Water as long as they feel it meets their needs in terms of taste and quality.
People in this segment may also be willing to pay extra for bottled water if they feel that it is significantly better than tap water.
#3. People with are ill or have compromised immune systems
People who are suffering from an illness or have a compromised immune system often turn to bottled water as a way to stay hydrated and healthy.
They may view Fiji Water as a safe and reliable source of water that they can trust. But such people should follow doctor’s orders regarding what type of water, and to drink and the sources of water that they can trust.
These people are also a target market for water purifiers as they may want an additional level of safety and security when it comes to the water they drink.
#4. “Health conscious” consumers
People who are taking care of their health and wellness are another segment of the Fiji Water target market.
They often purchase Fiji Water because they feel that it is a healthy choice and provides them with the clean water they need to stay hydrated.
For many, drinking more water than normal can be a part of a diet change that includes eating healthy and drinking healthy. For them, Fiji Water is a good choice because it meets their needs in terms of being healthy and clean.
#5. Athletes and people who dehydrate a lot
Athletes and people who work out are also a key segment of the Fiji Water target market.
They often need to stay hydrated and may view Fiji Water as a good choice because it is easy to transport and drink.
Fiji Water also offers a variety of sizes, including individual bottles and large packs, which is convenient for people who need to drink a lot of water.
One of the reasons we see water being sold in vending machines in fitness centers is because of the high demand for water from athletes and people who work out regularly.
They need quick and easy access to water so that they can stay hydrated before, during, and after their workouts.
#6. Consumers who are “on the go”
One of the biggest conveniences of bottled water is its portability.
Whether you are out for a run, at the beach, or on a road trip, carrying a water bottle is an easy way to stay hydrated. And unlike other portable drinks like sports drinks or juice, bottled water doesn’t have any sugar or calories and it doesn’t require any preparation.
Consumers can just grab a bottle from the fridge and go. Or they can buy one in virtually any store. This makes people on the go a key segment of the Fiji Water target market.
Fiji Water has also capitalized on this segment of the market by making it easy for people to grab a bottle and go.
#7. Water Stores and Convenience Stores
Water Stores sell water. Convenience stores sell many other things including bottled water. As to grocery stores. These types of stores are a Fiji Water target market. They will typically stock Fiji Water because it is a well-known brand that people are looking for.
People often buy water in these stores when they are out and about and need a quick and easy way to stay hydrated.
For water stores, selling Fiji Water is also a way to make money. They can charge more for bottled water than the price of tap water, which means they can generate a profit from selling Fiji Water. In fact, the profitability of water stores is often linked to carrying the products that their customers are walking into the store for.
Convenience stores also sell other drinks like soda and sports drinks, like Powerade and Gatorade. But water is often the top choice for people who are looking for a quick and easy way to hydrate. That’s why carrying Fiji Water is often a good choice for these stores.
The Fiji Water Target Market includes people who prefer bottled water to tap water. It also includes those who specifically like the Fiji Water brand and its products.
People who are ill may prefer bottled or filtered water over tap water and so are also a Fiji Water target market. For the same reasons so are people who are health-conscious.
Athletes and others who sweat a lot and are at risk for dehydration will often buy bottled water products like those from Fiji Water. Likewise, people on the go often opt for bottled water and will buy them at water stores or convenience stores making all of these a segment of the Fiji Water target market.