Crunch Fitness is a chain of 400 corporate-owned and franchised fitness clubs in the United States and a few other countries.

Crunch Fitness’s success is based on the fact that they are able to attract and retain people interested in working out and staying fit. So, who are these people who are contributing to the success of Crunch Fitness?

In this article, we take a look at the Crunch Fitness target market and understand what attracts them to these fitness clubs.

The Crunch Fitness Target Market: Who Are They?

To best understand the Crunch Fitness target market, we need to understand what attracts people to Crunch Fitness.

Is it because people simply want to work out, get healthy and become fit and a Crunch Fitness is the nearest fitness center to their home or office? Or is there something specific about Crunch Fitness that they prefer over other fitness centers?

By answering these questions, we can divide the Crunch Fitness target market into the following key customer segments:

  1. People looking to improve their fitness
  2. People trying to lose weight
  3. People who want to bulk up or tone their muscles
  4. People preparing for a game or competition
  5. Athletes who play regularly sports
  6. People who are rehabilitating after an injury or surgery
  7. Elderly people looking for a low-impact workout

Let’s now look closely at each of these customer segments.

#1. People looking to improve their fitness

The most obvious customer segment of the Crunch Fitness target market is people who are looking to improve their fitness.

These could be people who have been leading sedentary lifestyles and want to get started on a fitness regime. It could also be people who have been working out regularly but are yet to see results. In both cases, they are looking to Crunch Fitness as a place where they can work out and see results.

These people could use a fitness tracker to monitor their progress and see how they are doing. They could also be looking for a Crunch Fitness certified personal trainer to help them with their workout routine.

Crunch Fitness offers a wide range of cardio and strength-training equipment that people can use to improve their fitness. They also have several classes that people can take to improve their fitness. These include Yoga, Zumba, Pilates and Capoeira.

People in this market segment will usually look for a Crunch Fitness that is close to their home or work and so convenient to reach.

#2. People trying to lose weight

One very common reason why people join a fitness center is to lose weight making such people an important segment of the Crunch Fitness target market.

Crunch Fitness clubs have cardio equipment like treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bikes that people can use to lose weight. They also offer strength-training equipment to tone the muscles and give the body a more toned look.

Plus, Crunch Fitness offers High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in what they call the HITT Zone.

#3. People who want to bulk up or tone their muscles

Another important reason why people go to gyms is to bulk up or tone their muscles.

Crunch Fitness has strength-training equipment like free weights, weight machines, and resistance bands that people can use to build muscle. They also offer personal trainers who can help people with their workout routines.

Crunch Fitness clubs usually have a wide range of free weights as this is one of the most popular ways to bulk up or tone muscles.

#4. People preparing for a game or competition

People preparing for a big game competition or even a small one like a marathon also form an important part of the Crunch Fitness target market.

These people will typically use cardio equipment to build their endurance. They will also use the strength-training equipment to build their muscles and help them recover from workouts faster.

Some people in this segment may also sign up for personal training to help them with their workout routines and reach their goals faster. These people may use a fitness app on their phones to track their progress as well. They may even use Crunch Fitness’s own app for this purpose.

#5. Athletes who play regularly sports

Athletes who practice a sport regularly need to stay in shape and so they also form an important part of the Crunch Fitness target market.

Depending on the sport they play, they will use different equipment. For example, Crunch Fitness has treadmills that can be used by runners to build their endurance. They also have free weights that can be used by basketball players to build their muscles.

#6. People who are rehabilitating after an injury or surgery

People who are recovering from an injury or surgery may be recommended by their doctor to join a gym to help them recover and rehabilitate faster.

Many people undergoing physical therapy or even massage therapy may also join a gym as a part of their therapy and rehabilitation process.

These people are not necessarily diehard fans of Crunch Fitness. They could achieve their goals just as much in any other gym. But if they have a Crunch Fitness near their home or even their work, they are more likely to join it simply because it is more convenient for them.

#7. Elderly people looking for a low-impact workout

Many elderly people take up working out later in life to stay active and healthy. They are not looking for a high-impact workout but rather a low-impact one that will not put too much strain on their bodies.

The objective of people in this age group is to improve their health and wellness by eating healthy and exercising regularly. They want to avoid injuries and so they may use the ellipticals or the stationary bikes at Crunch Fitness rather than the treadmills.


Crunch Fitness is a popular gym chain with over 2000 locations across the United States. It is known for its low prices and its “no frills” approach to working out.

The Crunch Fitness target market is mostly made up of people who are looking to lose weight or tone their muscles. They offer a wide range of equipment and services to cater to this target market.

Their market includes people who want to bulk up or tone their muscles, people preparing for a game or competition, and athletes who play sports regularly.

People who are rehabilitating after an injury or surgery also tend to go to gyms and so are a segment of the Crunch Fitness target market as are elderly people looking for a low-impact workout.