The ancient Indian art of yoga, first proposed by Patanjali in his yoga sutras, has found a tremendous following in the modern world with more and more people turning to this practice for its various health benefits.

But if you are a yoga instructor looking to attract more students to your class, you probably have a more down-to-earth question – who is the target market for yoga?

Is it limited to those who are looking for ways to heal their bodies and minds? Or does it simply include those trying to find meaning and purpose in their lives? Or does it also include people looking for an alternative form of exercise and improving their physical and mental well-being?

Well, it turns out that the answer is all of the above and much more.

In this article, we will explore the target market for yoga by exploring the reasons why people turn to this ancient practice.

Who is the Target Market for Yoga?

To best understand the target market for yoga, we ask ourselves – why does someone practice yoga or start practicing yoga? What makes them go and buy a yoga mat and sign up for a yoga class?

Once we understand someone’s need and therefore their motivation for going through the effort (and yes it is an effort) of performing yoga on a regular basis, we are able to classify this market into various segments.

This classification gives us the following customer segments for the target market for yoga:

  1. People who want to improve their overall health
  2. People who want to heal a specific part of the body (eg lower back)
  3. People who want to reduce the effects of stress and improve mental well-being
  4. People who are looking for an alternative form of exercise
  5. People who are trying to lose weight
  6. People trying to improve their sleep patterns
  7. People trying to overcome depression or anxiety
  8. People who are seeking spiritual enlightenment

Let’s dig deeper into each of these segments.

1. People who want to improve their overall health

Yoga can be an ideal form of exercise for people who are looking to improve their overall health and wellness as it is a low-impact form of exercise that can be performed by people of all ages and levels of fitness.

People practice yoga to improve flexibility, strengthen and tone their muscles and joints, improve their postures, relieve stress and tension from their bodies, and promote relaxation.

2. People who want to heal a specific part of the body (eg lower back)

People who have a problem with a specific part of the body can use yoga to alleviate the pain and improve the function of the affected area.

For example, people with lower back pain often find relief from practicing yoga as it stretches and strengthens the muscles in the back. Similar people with neck pain and shoulder pain have also been known to have benefited from yoga.

3. People who want to reduce the effects of stress and improve mental well-being

Stress is a major problem in today’s fast-paced world and it can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health.

Yoga has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress as it helps to promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Yoga’s breathing exercises, called Pranayama, are known to be helpful in reducing stress as they make the practitioner control their breath and focus their mind.

In addition, yoga’s use of meditation and visualization techniques can also help to improve mental well-being by providing a way to focus the mind and find inner peace.

4. People who are looking for an alternative form of exercise

Yoga can be a great alternative to other forms of exercise such as running, weightlifting, or gymnastics.

It can also be an excellent complement to competitive sports as it helps to improve flexibility, balance, and coordination. This is why many people who go to fitness centers will also be open to joining a yoga class offered by the center or someone else.

Yoga is also a great way to stay active during pregnancy or after an injury as it helps to build strength and endurance without putting too much strain on the body. But be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise regime and always practice yoga under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

5. People who are trying to lose weight

Surprisingly, yoga has also known to be effective in helping people lose weight. Even though it is not a cardiovascular exercise, yoga helps to increase muscle tone and boost metabolism.

The combination of these two effects can help to burn more calories and promote weight loss. In addition, yoga’s breathing exercises can help to control appetite and cravings.

So if someone goes to the gym or consumes weight loss products in an effort to lose a few pounds, adding yoga to their regimen can only be a plus.

6. People trying to improve their sleep patterns

If someone’s having trouble sleeping, yoga could be of help. The relaxation techniques learned in yoga can help to ease the mind and body into a state of restfulness, making it easier to fall asleep.

In addition, the physical exercise involved in yoga can help to tire the body out so that it is ready to sleep.

Many people turn to the practice of Yoga Nidra to calm themselves on the inside and improve their sleep.

Here’s an excellent article on the Yoda Nidra by the Cleveland Clinic.

7. People trying to overcome depression or anxiety

Many people turn to yoga as a way to help them cope with depression and anxiety. The breathing exercises and meditation techniques learned in yoga can help to calm the mind and ease the symptoms of these conditions.

In addition, the physical exercise involved in yoga can help to release endorphins that have mood-boosting effects.

So if someone is struggling with depression or anxiety, they may find that yoga can help them to feel better.

8. People who are seeking spiritual enlightenment

Finally, some people practice yoga in order to achieve a higher state of consciousness or spiritual enlightenment.

Yoga’s focus on the breath, the mind, and the body can help to quiet the chatter of the ego and allow for a deeper connection to the true self.

This is why many people who are on a spiritual journey find yoga to be an invaluable tool on their path.

How Can You Market Your Yoga Business? – 13 Strategies!

Here are some of the ways in which you, as a yoga teacher, could market your yoga business:

  1. Create a website to educate people on yoga
  2. Write blog posts (like this one) on the benefits of yoga
  3. Put lead magnets on the website and collect email addresses
  4. Create your own professional YouTube channel
  5. Start an email newsletter
  6. Offer regular discounts to your subscribers
  7. Do a social media marketing campaign
  8. Use Google AdWords or Facebook ads to target people searching for yoga
  9. Offer free trial courses
  10. Offer flexibility to change courses during a year
  11. Offer different types of yoga disciplines if possible
  12. Host yoga events for people new to yoga
  13. Find cross-promotional opportunities with other businesses in the wellness industry


Yoga can truly benefit anyone and that makes the target market for yoga extremely broad. In this article, we reviewed some of the most important segments of this market.

It includes people interested in improving their overall health as well as those trying to heal a specific part of their body.

It includes people trying to reduce the effects of stress and those trying to improve their sleep.

It also includes people trying to lose weight and those trying to overcome depression or anxiety.

And finally, it includes people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment and trying to find the meaning of life.

We also listed the top marketing strategies that a yoga center or a yoga instructor can use to attract students to their classes.

We hope you found this article useful!