Streetwear clothing is one of the most popular and fastest-growing fashion genres in the world.

The popularity of this type of apparel ranges from young people and hipsters to athletes and celebrities.

So, what motivates these different groups of people to purchase streetwear?

In this article, we will discuss the target market for streetwear clothing and explore some of the reasons why it is so popular. We will also look at how fashion trends are influencing the popularity of streetwear clothing.

Keep reading!

What is Streetwear?

Streetwear is a type of fashion that is typically characterized by comfortable clothes that are also stylish.

This style of clothing often includes hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

There are many different subgenres of streetwear, including hip hop fashion, skateboarder style, and Japan street fashion.

The target market for streetwear clothing varies depending on the specific subgenre. However, there are some commonalities between the groups that purchase this type of apparel.

Why is Streetwear so Popular?

There are several reasons why streetwear has become so popular in recent years. One reason is that it is very comfortable to wear.

This type of clothing is also relatively affordable, which makes it accessible to a wider range of people.

In addition, streetwear is often seen as more casual and relaxed than other types of fashion. This makes it ideal for everyday wear.

Another reason for the popularity of streetwear is that it has been popularized by celebrities and influencers. In particular, hip-hop stars and skaters have helped to make this type of clothing more mainstream. As a result, many people see streetwear as cool and stylish.

Finally, fashion trends have also played a role in the popularity of streetwear. In recent years, there has been a trend towards more casual styles of clothing. This has led to an increase in the sales of items such as t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

Who is the Target Market for Streetwear Clothing?

To best understand the target market for streetwear clothing, we need to first understand the reasons why someone decides to wear it.

By understanding people’s motivations for wearing streetwear clothing, we can divide this market into customer segments and study each segment on its own.

This needs-based segmentation allows clothing businesses and brands to create streetwear clothing products that appeal to each segment.

Here are the main customer segments of the target market for streetwear clothing:

  1. People who want to be fashionable
  2. People making a statement with their clothes
  3. People who like comfortable clothing
  4. People who are influenced by celebrities
  5. People who follow popular culture

What motivates each segment of the target market for streetwear clothing? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

1. People who want to be fashionable

For some people, streetwear is simply a way to keep up with the latest fashion trends. These trendsetters want to be seen in the latest styles and are willing to pay for it.

They are often the first to adopt new trends and set the trends for others to follow.

For these people what’s important is not just the clothing but the image that they portray to the world.

2. People making a statement with their clothes

For some people, streetwear is about more than just fashion. It’s also a way to express themselves and make a statement with their clothing.

These individuals use their clothing to communicate their unique sense of style and to stand out from the crowd.

They are often drawn to streetwear brands that share their values and beliefs.

3. People who like comfortable clothing

Comfort is key for most people when it comes to their clothes. And that’s true whether we are talking about jeans or t-shirts or sportswear or, of course, streetwear.

Everyone wants to be able to move freely and not have their clothes constrict them. That’s why many people choose streetwear over other types of clothing.

Streetwear is specifically designed to be comfortable and to allow people to move freely. That’s one of the reasons why it has become so popular.

4. People who are influenced by celebrities

Celebrities play a big role in influencing people’s fashion choices. When it comes to fashion, they are trendsetters.

They can make or break a style and their choices are often copied by their fans.

We often see celebrities wearing streetwear brands and that can have a big impact on how we perceive those brands.

For some people, wearing the same brands as their favorite celebrities is a way to feel closer to them and to show their support.

5. People who follow popular culture

Popular culture also has a big influence on people’s fashion choices. We often see streetwear brands featured in movies, TV shows, and music videos.

This exposure can make people want to wear streetwear and specifically those brands. And it’s not just the clothes that are featured in popular culture, but also the lifestyle that goes along with it.

People see streetwear as a way to tap into that lifestyle and to feel like they are a part of it.


Streetwear is a type of fashion that includes comfortable but stylish clothes like hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

The popularity of streetwear can be attributed to the fact that it is comfortable, affordable, and accessible to a wide range of people. A part of its popularity is also driven by its promotion by celebrities and influencers.

The target market for streetwear includes people who want to be fashionable and want to make a statement with their clothes.

People primarily looking for comfort in their clothing are also very likely to buy streetwear.

And finally, the market also includes those who are influenced by celebrities as well as by popular culture.