When we think about rap music, the first thing that often comes to mind is the lyrics. Rap music is all about the lyrics – and the rapper’s ability to spit them out quickly and fluidly.

So who is the target audience for rap music? And why do they love it so much?

Rap music is appealing for many reasons like its beats and rhythm. But the biggest reason is probably because of the way it tells a story. Rappers are able to take their personal experiences and turn them into songs that resonate with people from all walks of life.

And that’s what makes rap music so popular – it’s relatable.

Let’s learn more about the audience for this genre of music!

Who is the Target Audience for Rap Music?

To best understand the target audience for rap music, we need to understand why someone listens to rap. What is it about rap that attracts them to it as opposed to other genres of music like jazz music or country music?

Once we understand the need and the motivations behind people’s desire to listen to rap, we can divide the audience for rap into the following segments:

  1. People who love rap for its flows and rhymes
  2. People who connect better with fast-flowing lyrics
  3. People who feel connected to the rap culture
  4. People who love rap for wordplay
  5. People who love rap music because it is easy to dance to

#1. People who love rap for its flows and rhymes

People who love rap for its flows and rhymes have always been a target audience for rap music because these are people whose first point of attraction to rap is its rhymes and flows.

Artists and record labels know this – so much that they typically brag about how “sick” their flow is. However, that doesn’t mean people who listen to rap don’t appreciate rap songs with lesser flows.

But for a lot of rap listeners, the fast flow is what they look for in a rap song. Also, some of the biggest rap songs of all time are fast-paced, but in rhymes and flows.

#2. People who connect better with fast-flowing lyrics

People who connect better with fast-flowing lyrics are also top listeners of rap music. There are only a few genres that have the same fast-flowing lyrics as rap. 

As a result, people who don’t connect well with fast-flowing lyrics will more than likely not be interested in listening to rap.

In addition, there is an increased emphasis on listening and understanding the lyrics of rap songs because each line is often part of an underlying message or story.

Those who enjoy listening to rappers typically do so because they appreciate and enjoy the ingenuity that goes into creating fast flows with rhythmic words that make sense and are pleasing to the ear.

#3. People who feel connected to the rap culture

People who feel connected to the rap culture are perhaps the majority of the target audience for rap music. Rap songs are typically about true life stories and struggles, and often carry a message that people with similar experiences can relate with.

That is why rappers quickly grow a fan base when their lyrics seem to be addressing real-life issues or their personal experiences.

Artists like J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar are perfect examples of rappers who built their massive loyal fan base off of lyrics that resonate with their life journeys. Then there is also a good number of people who enjoy rap music because of the fast and exciting life they often highlight.

#4. People who love rap for wordplay

Wordplay was one of the main features that made rap songs appealing before it became mainstream. And for a lot of people, wordplay remains pivotal in rap music, making them a target audience for rap music because they are often die-hard fans of the genre.

Also, they are not just interested in what rappers have to say, they want to hear them send their message in a fun and creative way. Rap fans would applaud a rapper that is good with wordplay before recognizing another with better lyrics.

And that’s why freestyle is a big deal in the rap community. An excellent example of a rapper that made a name for himself with brilliant wordplay is Lil Wayne. He knows how to flow with his bars while making puns that leave listeners wondering if they really understood his actual message. 

#5. People who love rap music because it is easy to dance to

While a lot of people listen to rap songs because they can relate to the lyrics, there are those who are just into the beat and listen to the songs because it makes them want to move their bodies.

People who love rap music because it is easy to dance to, constitute a high percentage of rap listeners. When you head to the club, you don’t expect to hear soul or country music.

Almost all the songs played in clubs are rap songs. The fast and vibe-y beat is a major reason why a lot of people find it so appealing.


Those who love rap do so for a variety of reasons and this makes segmenting the target audience for rap a little challenging.

In this article, we studied the target audience for rap music and identified them as people who love rap for its flows and rhymes, who connect better with fast-flowing lyrics, who feel connected to the rap culture, who love rap for wordplay, and who love rap music because it is easy to dance to.