Philosophy is often seen as a lofty pursuit, one that doesn’t have much to do with the “real world”, let alone with earning money. After all, philosophers are seen as people who spend their time thinking about big ideas and pondering the meaning of life. Surely, they can’t be making a lot of money, can they?

But what many people don’t know is that philosophy can be applied to a wide variety of careers! This means that there are a number of ways philosophers can earn a living.

In this article, we’ll answer the question – how do philosophers make money?

We will explore seven different ways in which philosophers can earn money and put their philosophy degrees to work. So read on and learn how to turn your love of philosophy into a lucrative career!

What do Philosophers do?

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. It covers a wide range of topics, from the nature of the mind to the existence of God.

Philosophers use their skills to analyze arguments and ideas, think critically about complex problems, and develop creative solutions.

While some philosophers work in academia, teaching at colleges and universities, others find work in the business world, using their skills to solve problems for companies.

Still others work as writers or journalists, sharing their ideas with a wider audience.

No matter what field they work in, philosophers use their skills to think deeply about complex issues and to find creative solutions to difficult problems.

Most people think of philosophers as people who sit around all day thinking about big ideas. And while it is true that philosophers are some of the most versatile thinkers out there and they do spend time thinking of difficult problems, many will put their thoughts into action to improve themselves and the world around them.

This is because philosophy trains you to think critically and to argue clearly. These are skills that are useful in any number of careers, from law to medicine to business.

How do you become a Philosopher?

You don’t need to have a degree in philosophy to become a philosopher. But most people in the modern age who want to pursue a career in philosophy will aim to at least earn a bachelor’s degree in philosophy.

In undergraduate studies on philosophy, students take courses on a wide range of topics, including logic, ethics, and the history of philosophy.

They also have the opportunity to study different philosophical traditions, from Ancient Greek philosophy to contemporary Continental philosophy.

Once you have earned your bachelor’s degree, you can either pursue a career or continue your education by earning a master’s degree or doctorate in philosophy.

Once they are done with formal education, philosophy majors can find work in a number of different fields, from academia to business.

Let’s look at some of these fields.

How do Philosophers make money?

Most people who consider pursuing a career in philosophy do so because they love to learn and think about big ideas. But they also wonder how they will make a living as philosophers.

Well, here are seven ways philosophers can make money:

  1. Become a teacher at a school, college or university
  2. Study law and enter the business world
  3. Become a writer or journalist
  4. Work in the non-profit sector
  5. Join Politics
  6. Become a consultant or life coach
  7. Become a psychologist

Bear in mind that some of the careers mentioned above require a philosophy major to study more and acquire additional skills. This could be by going to law school or studying psychology. Nonetheless, their education in philosophy is often an excellent (even necessary) foundation for these related careers.

Now, let’s look closely at each of the different ways in which a philosophy major can make money.

1. Become a teacher at a school, college or university

By far the most common way for philosophers to make money is by becoming teachers at schools, colleges, or universities.

Philosophers who teach at the collegiate level typically have a Ph.D. in philosophy and specialize in teaching one or more areas of philosophy, such as ethics or logic.

While most full-time professors have tenure, which means they have a guaranteed job for life, many philosophers also teach as adjuncts, which means they teach part-time and are not on the tenure track.

Adjuncts typically make less money than tenure-track professors, but it is still possible to make a good living as an adjunct professor of philosophy.

In addition to teaching, professors of philosophy also engage in research and writing. They may write articles or books on their areas of specialization, which can help them make additional money.

2. Study law and enter the business world

Many people who study philosophy go on to law school and become lawyers. This is because the skills that you learn as a philosophy major, such as how to think critically and to argue clearly, are also very useful in the practice of law.

In fact, many may argue that one of the best undergraduate degrees to have before pursuing a career in law is a degree in philosophy. After all, the study of philosophy teaches you how to think about complex problems and how to construct reasoned arguments, which is an essential skill for a lawyer.

This is why many law schools look favorably upon applicants who have a degree in philosophy. They know that these students have the ability to do well in law school.

In a related field, many business people find that the ability to think creatively about complex problems is a valuable skill in the business world. And so it’s no surprise that many philosophy majors go on to successful careers in business. Many of them pursue careers in marketing where having an understanding of how people think and how to influence them can be extremely valuable.

3. Become a writer or journalist

If you love to write and have a knack for communicating complex ideas in a clear and concise way, then you may want to consider becoming a writer or journalist.

Philosophers often make good writers because they are used to distilling complex ideas into their essence. In addition, philosophy majors often have a broad range of knowledge, which can make them good generalists who can write on a variety of topics.

An interesting way to make money as a writer is to write for blogs. Blog owners are always looking for quality writers and many of them are willing to pay good money for well-written articles. A philosopher can even consider starting a blog and monetizing it over time as a source of income.

4. Work in the non-profit sector

Philosophers are often interested in making the world a better place. One way to do this is to work in the non-profit sector.

There are many non-profit organizations that focus on a variety of issues, such as the environment, education, or poverty that someone with a background in philosophy can intuitively connect with at an intellectual (philosophical?) level.

So, if you have a passion for making the world a better place, then working in the non-profit sector is a great way to make money and make a difference. You won’t get rich financially, but you will be rich in other ways and can find your work very fulfilling.

5. Join Politics

Their desire to make the world a better place also motivates many philosophers to join politics. If you have a strong interest in how society should be structured and how public policy should be made, then a career in politics may be for you.

You could work as a staff member for a politician or run for public office yourself. While the pay is not always great, the satisfaction of having a direct hand in making your community or even the world a better place can be very rewarding.

If the rough and tumble of politics aren’t for you, you could still be active in the field by being a lobbyist for a cause you care about or working for a think tank that develops policy recommendations.

6. Become a consultant or life coach

People who study philosophy often have a passion for helping people to improve their lives and so should consider becoming a life coach or consultant.

As a consultant, you can help people achieve their goals by providing them with advice and guidance. Consultants need not be limited to the business world, but can also work in areas such as relationship counseling or health and wellness.

Life coaching is a similar field, but with a focus on helping people to achieve their life goals. This can be anything from getting in shape to finding the meaning of life.

7. Become a psychologist

Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it works. It is a natural fit for philosophers who are interested in understanding how people think and why they do the things they do.

If you are interested in how people think and how they behave, then you may want to consider becoming a psychologist.

Psychologists work in a variety of settings including in hospitals, schools, and private practice. And they can help people to understand their own minds and to improve their lives. They can help them deal with difficult times in their lives for instance after the loss of a loved one.

But to become a psychologist, you will need to get a PhD in psychology, which takes many years of study. And then many more years before your practice gets established and you get known. So, this is not a quick or easy way to make money.


So, how do philosophers make money?

Contrary to popular belief, philosophers can make good money and earn their living with the skills they acquire during their study of philosophy.

The most common profession pursued is that of a teacher or professor. Philosophy teachers will have a PhD in philosophy and usually will specialize in a certain area of philosophy, such as ethics, political philosophy, logic, etc.

Other ways to make money with a background in philosophy include working in the non-profit sector, joining politics, becoming a consultant or life coach, or even becoming a psychologist.

All these professions revolve around improving the lives of others or making the world a better place. This is something that many philosophers are passionate about and so these professions offer a way to make money while also doing something fulfilling.

Philosophy can be an excellent foundation for a career in the law or business. In fact, many philosophy majors pursue further education and get degrees in law or business.

So if you’re a philosopher, don’t despair, there are plenty of ways to make money with your degree. You just have to find the right fit for you. And then go out and change the world!