When most people think of acting, they think of glamor and fame. What they don’t realize is that acting is a lot of hard work and the glamor and the fame is often only enjoyed by a small percentage of actors. The vast majority of actors work hard just to make ends meet.

For every actor that makes it big, there are hundreds who never make it at all. And even for those who do make it, there are only a handful of roles available at any given time.

So, that begs the question – how do actors make money when they are not working?

Let’s find out!

How Do Actors Make Money When Not Working?

There are a few different ways that actors make money when they’re not working. Many of them have other jobs that help them make ends meet. Sometimes these jobs are related to acting but often these are just side jobs or side hustles that put money in the pocket.

Let’s look at some of these more closely.

  1. Teach Acting
  2. Work as waiters
  3. Modeling
  4. Extras in films
  5. Work as part of a film crew
  6. Work as Script Writers or Playwrights
  7. Paid appearances
  8. Television and movie residuals
  9. Commercials
  10. Voiceover work

Let’s look closely at each of these.

#1. Teach Acting

Many actors find work as acting coaches or instructors. This is a great way to make some extra money and to stay sharp between acting gigs. It can also be very rewarding to help other people achieve their dreams of becoming actors.

There are many different ways to go about teaching acting. Some actors teach private lessons while others find work teaching at schools or community centers. There are even some online courses that actors can teach.

#2. Work as waiters

This is a common one! Many actors find work in restaurants while they’re waiting for their big break. It’s a great way to make some money and to meet other people in the industry. Who knows, you might even meet your next big acting coach while waiting tables!

Some actors also find work as bartenders or baristas. This can be a great way to make some extra money while staying flexible for auditions.

#3. Modeling

Actors who are also gifted with good looks can find work as models. This can be a way to even get into a new career if acting doesn’t work out.

Modeling can be a great way to make some extra money but it’s also a lot of hard work. Models often have to travel for work and they have to be available for long hours. It’s not an easy job but it can be very rewarding – for the wallet and the ego.

Modeling is also a way for actors to get their face out there which can lead to being discovered for an acting role.

#4. Extras in films

A lot of actors also find work as extras in movies or TV shows. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door and to meet other people in the industry. It’s often very low-paying work but it can lead to bigger and better things.

Extras typically don’t have any lines and they’re often not even credited in the film. But, it can be a way to get started in an acting career.

#5. Work as part of a film crew

Another way that actors make money when not working is by working as part of a film crew. This can be a great way to learn about the industry and to meet other people who are involved in it. Not all crew jobs pay well but they can certainly help up-and-coming actors grow their network and find new opportunities.

Film crews typically work long hours and they often have to travel for work. But for those who are new to the industry working as a film crew member can be a fast way to learn about how movies and TV shows are made.

#6. Work as Script Writers or Playwrights

Some actors also find work as scriptwriters or playwrights. However, acting and script writing are very different skill sets. So, not all actors are cut out for this type of work.

Scriptwriters often have to come up with new ideas and they have to be able to write well. They also need versatility in their writing to be able to write for different genres.

Playwrights often have to be able to write dialogue that sounds natural and they also have to understand stage directions. Not all actors are good at this but for those who are, it can be a great way to make some extra money and stay engaged in the profession in between acting gigs.

#7. Paid appearances

Actors with a bit of fame can also make money by making paid appearances. While this can bring in some extra cash but it’s often not very consistent and certainly not a sustainable way of earning money.

Paid appearances typically involve the actor appearing at an event or in a commercial. They might even be asked to do a meet and greet with fans.

Paid appearances are often one-time gigs and they don’t always lead to other work. But, for actors who are struggling to find work, they can be a way to make some extra money.

#8. Television and movie residuals

Actors who have been in a television show or movie can also make money from residuals. This is money that actors are paid every time their show or movie airs.

Residuals can be a lifesaver for actors who are between jobs. They can provide a steady stream of income that can help actors make ends meet. And best of all, this is passive income. This means that actors do not have to work to make this money. It was for work already done in the past.

Of course, residuals are not guaranteed and they can vary greatly from one actor to another. But for those who have been lucky enough to land a role in a successful show or movie, residuals can be a great way to make some extra money.

#9. Commercials

Actors can also make money by doing commercials. This is often one of the first places that new actors get started. It can be a great way to get more experience and build up your resume.

But getting a spot in commercials is not always easy. You often have to audition for these roles and compete against other actors. And even if you do get the gig, it’s often not very well-paid work.

Also, actors are actors for a reason. They love their art. And commercials are often not very creative or challenging. So, while they can be a way to make some extra money, they’re not always the most fulfilling work.

#10. Voiceover work

Voiceover is often one of the most underrated and overlooked ways to make money as an actor.

Doing voiceover work is a great way for actors to use their acting skills without having to be on camera. And it can be very well-paid work.

Voiceover work can include everything from doing the voice of a character in an animated movie to being the narrator of an audiobook. It can include giving voice to radio commercials, public transport recorded messages, eLearning courses, and more.


While being an actor can be a lot of fun, it’s not the easiest way to make a living until the acting gigs start rolling in. So how do actors make money when not working?

In this article, we reviewed 10 income sources for actors who are in between gigs.

The easiest is to start teaching acting to up-and-coming actors, even school students. The next and perhaps just as easy is to work as a waiter.

Other income sources broadly in the acting industry include modeling, working as extras in films, working as part of a film crew, and working as scriptwriters or playwrights.

Actors can also make money through paid appearances, television and movie residuals, commercials, and voiceover work.