When most people think of the target market for diapers, they think of parents with babies. However, there is a much larger market for this essential product than just parents!

In fact, there are many other kinds of people who regularly buy diapers. This includes grandparents, relatives, and friends of parents who have children.

It includes aid workers and those in the medical field who work with infants. It includes maternity wards and daycare providers. And it includes people with incontinence issues, disabled adults, and even some pet owners!

Let’s now take a closer look at some of these groups and discuss why they buy diapers.

Who is the Target Market for Diapers?

The target market for diapers includes:

  1. Parents with babies and small children
  2. Grandparents
  3. Maternity wards
  4. Hospitals
  5. Daycares
  6. People with incontinence issues
  7. Disabled adults
  8. Pet owners

Let’s now look closely at each of these segments of the target market for diapers.

#1. Parents with babies and small children

Parents with babies and small children are, of course, the most obvious target market for diapers. They need diapers for their children and will often buy them in bulk.

They may also buy other related products, such as diaper rash cream and wipes. And they are often willing to pay a premium for brands that they trust to be gentle on their child’s skin.

#2. Grandparents

Often, grandparents will buy diapers for their grandchildren. They may do this to help out the parents, or they may keep a stash of diapers at their house so that they are always prepared when the grandkids come over to visit.

Grandparents may also be more likely to buy premium brands, as they want what is best for their grandchildren.

#3. Maternity wards

Maternity wards are another target market for diapers. They go through a lot of diapers, as every baby that is born will need to be diapered.

They usually buy diapers in bulk but may not necessarily want to pay for premium brands because after all, the babies will only be in the hospital for a short time and maternity wards like all businesses need to find ways to keep costs under control.

#4. Hospitals

Hospitals are also a target market for diapers as they often have babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) who need to be diapered. But infants aren’t the only candidates for diapers in hospitals.

There are also disabled adults and elderly patients who may need to use diapers due to incontinence issues. And, in some cases, even pets may need to be diapered while they are in an animal hospital for treatment!

#5. Daycares

Daycares are another target market for diapers, as they go through a lot of them! They need to have diapers on hand for all of the children in their care, and they usually buy them in bulk.

Like hospitals and maternity wards, cost is often a major concern for daycares and daycares make money by keeping costs under control.

Having said that they may still invest in premium diapers because they need to show parents that they are providing the best possible care for their children.

#6. People with incontinence issues

People with incontinence issues are another target market for diapers. They need diapers to absorb any accidents that they may have.

People in this group may range from young children who are still potty training to elderly adults who have incontinence issues. And they may use diapers full-time or just when they sleep.

Some people with incontinence issues may be embarrassed about their condition and may not want to talk about it. But there are many resources available to help them, and there are also a number of brands that make discreet diapers that are not obvious when someone is wearing them.

#7. Disabled adults

Adults with disabilities that prevent them from using the bathroom independently are another target market for diapers. They may need to use them full-time or just when they are away from home.

Some disabilities that result in incontinence include spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy. And there are a number of brands that make diapers specifically for disabled adults.

#8. Pet owners

Finally, diapers are not just for humans. There are also a number of brands that make diapers for pets, such as cats and dogs.

Pet owners may use them for a number of reasons, such as to help with incontinence issues or to keep their pet’s fur clean and dry. But the biggest advantage of using diapers for pets is that it can help to potty train them.

Puppies and kittens often have accidents, but if they wear diapers they will quickly learn that they need to go outside to do their business. And once they are trained, the pet owner can then switch to using dog or cat litter.


There you have it! These are some of the main segments of the target market for diapers.

We looked at parents and grandparents of babies or small children. We looked at maternity wards and hospitals that also need diapers. Likewise, daycares need a large supply of diapers.

People with disabilities and/or incontinence issues as well as pet owners are also in the market for diapers.